Trusts, Estates and Fiduciary Management

Our Trusts and Estates lawyers provide guidance on matters involving estate and tax planning, estate settlement and trust administration. In all areas, our priority is to understand our clients’ goals, concerns and circumstances and then provide counsel that is not only technically sound but tailored to each individual client’s needs. Our commitment is to offer a consistent and personal level of service to all clients and their families.
Estate Planning
A wide variety of families and individuals including business owners, executives of public and private companies, professionals, retirees, philanthropists and sophisticated private investors rely on us for estate planning advice during all stages of their adult lives, often in consultation with those clients' other professional advisors. We assist them with a full range of services from simple wills to the most sophisticated gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer tax-savings techniques that utilize various types of trusts, other entities (such as partnerships, limited liability companies and foundations) and charitable-giving vehicles. We have prepared a brief synopsis entitled Estate Planning 101 for Connecticut and New York which we trust will be helpful to clients beginning the process.
>> Download our Estate Planning Checklist
Estate Settlement
With our extensive experience and sophisticated systems, we provide comprehensive services in the probate courts as well as in the preparation and filing of estate tax returns and fiduciary income tax returns. In addition, we represent and advise corporate fiduciaries actively settling estates.
Trust Administration
Since 1985 the Trusts and Estates group has actively administered trust accounts for which members of the firm serve as trustees. With the assistance of investment advisors, all trusts receive continuous investment supervision and are reviewed formally at least quarterly. Periodic statements are provided and income tax returns are prepared. The group prides itself on the personal nature of our services in this area, with the same individuals interacting with beneficiaries over time to provide guidance across multiple generations. In addition, the group represents and advises individual and corporate trustees administering trusts.
We have prepared a chart to assist as you choose a trustee. We encourage you to learn more about Shipman as Trustee as well as our approach to trust administration.
Fiduciary Litigation
Shipman has extensive experience in the representation of individual and institutional fiduciaries and beneficiaries in trust and estates litigation including will contests, trustee surcharge and removal proceedings, contested accountings, claims for breach of fiduciary duty, suits involving lifetime transfers and trust and will construction actions.