Industrial and Specialty Chemical Compliance

Shipman’s lawyers in the industrial and specialty chemical compliance practice assist manufacturers, importers, distributors, processors, laboratories and healthcare facilities with placing new and existing chemical substances into the marketplace, keeping the substances in commerce and properly handling and/or disposing of them. We assist clients with ensuring ongoing compliance with evolving state and federal registration, labeling, import/export, hazard communication, hazard response, health and safety laws and regulations, and other requirements. Our attorneys regularly practice before the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and similar state agencies. We also counsel clients on cross-border issues, including in Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Iran and Costa Rica.
Additionally, our lawyers:
- Design and oversee environmental, health and safety assessments/audits
- Evaluate and manage compliance programs and environmental management systems
- Coordinate safety test consultations
- Oversee health hazard evaluations
- Design and review workplace health and safety labeling
- Represent clients in administrative enforcement proceedings
- Defend product liability claims
We assist clients in identifying, managing and applying for regulatory approvals to manufacture or import chemical substances (including biocides), and guide applicants through the administrative process, including through contested cases and litigation support on appeals. During the regulatory approval process, we interface with national and international consultants and laboratories to ensure relevant tests are performed for the pertinent reviewing agency.
We also counsel clients through administrative enforcement proceedings at federal and state levels, as well as in connection with voluntary disclosures and during negotiations of consent agreements and other settlement vehicles.
We advocate for clients throughout all phases of government investigations, including site visits and inspections by government agencies.