Data Centers

As demand for faster, more reliable data has risen exponentially, end users and the vendors that serve them are facing a common challenge: too many hubs and not enough spokes. Centralized data centers have driven the rapid development and adoption of cloud computing, streaming services and wearable technologies, and addressed a range of disaster-recovery and information-storage requirements. Now, however, their concentration in a relatively few locations has led to unique data-security risks and increased latencies (the time gap between a user's demand for raw or processed data and the moment such data is received).
At Shipman, we understand that wherever there is a challenge, there is also an opportunity. For organizations and businesses of every size and across the data creation, storage, management and usage lifecycle, edge computing and edge data centers (EDCs) offer a revolutionary and often highly profitable solution.
Our data centers team brings together the cross-disciplinary legal resources and experience needed to help property owners, investors and entrepreneurs at every step. We work with clients to clarify their business needs and objectives, identify real estate assets ideal for adaptive reuse as EDCs, and take advantage of a range of tax and economic-development incentives designed to expand the use of green energy, revitalize communities, and minimize financial and environmental risks.
We advise clients in the following areas, among others:
- Real estate, including adaptive reuse, site selection and zoning, acquisitions, sales and leases, and construction issues
- Environmental, including fuel storage and related permitting, environmental insurance, guaranteed fixed price remediation (GFPR) contracts and incident responses
- Energy, including clean energy and renewable fuels, LEED and other high-performance building standards and sustainability codes, and power-plant decommissionings
- Corporate law, including vendor contracts, joint ventures, and private equity and venture capital investments
- Data privacy and protection, including risk management and data governance, breach preparedness, response and notifications, and compliance with state, federal and international laws and regulations
- Tax, including opportunity zone, brownfield rehabilitation, and other economic development credits and programs such as those administered by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and Connecticut Innovations Inc. (CII)
We represent leading companies in the healthcare, banking and financial services, distribution and fulfillment, manufacturing, retail, telecommunications, technology and other data-intensive industries. Our lawyers and firm have the individual and institutional experience to help clients maximize the potential of EDCs and revolutionize the way organizations across the northeastern United States process and analyze data. Likewise, our affiliation with Interlaw further expands our ability to serve clients with interests, investments and operations worldwide.