Labor and Employment Spring Seminar: 2025 Public Sector Legal Update
Speaking Engagements
May 1, 2025
May 1, 2025
Join us for our highly anticipated Annual Spring Seminar, a must-attend event for public sector professionals, including school district leaders, municipal officials and government agency representatives.
This year’s program begins with a thought-provoking plenary session on a timely issue impacting the public sector. Following the plenary, attendees will have the opportunity to choose from two focused breakout sessions, designed for deeper discussion and practical takeaways in a smaller group setting.
Whether you're looking to stay ahead of emerging challenges, exchange ideas with peers, or gain valuable legal insights, this seminar offers a unique opportunity to connect and learn.
- 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Arrive, Breakfast, Networking - 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Plenary Session - 9:30 AM – 9:45 AM
Coffee Break & Networking - 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM
Breakout Session I (Choose One) - 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
Coffee Break & Networking - 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Breakout Session II (Choose One)
Program Descriptions:
“Right vs. Right: Who Is Right?” Trending Topics in Employment Law
Presented by: Dori Pagé Antonetti, Tom Owen, Jessica L. Ritter and Linda Yoder
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer once noted that many of the Court’s most difficult cases “are not about right versus wrong. They are about right versus right.” In this plenary session, we will delve into the dynamic and complex world of employment law through this lens. Through an interactive panel discussion, we will explore realistic workplace conflicts between employers and employees, who can often assert competing rights. We will also examine possible tensions between rights provided by federal law and those provided by state law. Attendees will be invited to weigh in and determine which “right” should prevail. This session is designed to inform, stimulate critical thinking and enable dialogue. (CLE: 1 Professional Practice)
Breakout Session I (Choose One)
- Don't Click 'I Agree' and Tell Me What Happens: Navigating the Maze of Data Privacy When Everything is Public
Presented by: Justin Cedeño, Sarah E. Gleason and Daniel A. Schwartz
This session focuses on the legal and strategic aspects of managing sensitive digital data within government agencies, emphasizing the importance of proper data governance as a public service responsibility. It covers practical topics such as understanding the applicable laws, developing appropriate policies, balancing privacy preservation with public access, and implementing proactive strategies to minimize data breaches within budget limits. The session also highlights the impact of FOIA and FERPA regulations on government and educational institutions and offers real-world examples of both successes and challenges. Attendees will gain actionable insights on navigating compliance requirements while fostering public trust and upholding legal mandates. (CLE: 1 Cybersecurity – General)
- Setting the Bargaining Table: Trends and Tactics in Collective Bargaining
Presented by: Jarad M. Lucan, Sarah N. Niemiroski and Rebecca Rudnick Santiago
Step into the dynamic world of collective bargaining where recent trends and pivotal arbitration awards shape the strategies of municipalities and school districts alike. Join us as we examine current interest arbitration trends, highlighting recent decisions on wages and benefits that may influence negotiation strategies. We'll explore significant grievance arbitration awards related to discipline and contract interpretation, offering valuable insights for public employers seeking to effectively negotiate and respond to union grievances. This session is designed to prepare and empower you with the latest developments and strategic approaches essential for success at the bargaining table. (CLE: 1 Professional Practice)
Breakout Session II (Choose One)
- Legal Developments and Opportunities for School Districts in Special Education
Presented by: Andreana R. Bellach, Abby Booth and Peter J. Maher
This interactive breakout session for school and special education lawyers and administrators explores emerging trends in special education, offering practical guidance for schools in addressing their emerging issues effectively. Through real-life scenarios and FAQs, participants will delve into timely topics such as child find obligations, balancing preparation with predetermination, and ensuring the successful development and implementation of appropriate IEPs. The emphasis will be on identifying trends and opportunities in special education and equipping administrators and lawyers with the proper tools to navigate these situations. (CLE: 1 Professional Practice)
- The Future is Here: Employee Supervision in a Technological Age
Presented by: Thomas B. Mooney, Joseph Miller and Richard A. Mills
Workplace supervision is a challenge in this new age when the use of technology intersects with employee rights and may even be a mandatory subject of negotiations. From recording telephone conversations and electronic monitoring to email searches and social media access, we will explore the issues that can arise in supervising employees in this digital age. Gain insights into the legal considerations related to the use of technology to ensure that your organization is well-prepared to navigate the delicate balance between effective supervision and employee rights. (CLE: 1 Professional Practice)
Continuing Legal Education (CLE):
This seminar has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the New York Continuing Legal Education Board for a maximum of 3 credit hours and is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.
Neither the Connecticut Judicial Branch nor the Commission on Minimum Continuing Legal Education approves or accredits CLE providers or activities. It is the opinion of this provider that this activity qualifies for up to 3 hours toward your annual CLE requirement in Connecticut.